2023/06/16 -- Weekend Update

Distributed - 2023, June 16

Hello Crankin A’s!
I have so much on my mind that I don’t know where to begin…

Weighing the heaviest on my heart is Ron, Connie and their family. Prayers are being sent to them at this time.  I spoke with their daughter, Kim today. I told her to let us know if there is anything we can do to help.

Gudrun Benson from the Pioneer Settlement is home now and will be on FML until the beginning of August. Praying for her speedy recovery.

Tinker Tuesday last week was very productive. The stairway to the loft was modified and everyone seems pleased with the results. It is now permanently attached to the floor of the loft and will soon be fully retractable with an electric motorized winch. The stairs were extended by 2 extra steps, hand crafted by Glen Jewell. Thank you Glen for such professional workmanship. He also cut the opening at the top of the stairway for easy access to the loft. (Photo below) 

Once again Ron grilled up some great dogs. We had a bonus - potato salad made by Irene Allen (Bill‘s wife). Thanks to both of you for feeding us.I think we finally have completed securing the hinged door between the shop and educational area. I am attaching a photo of the finished product. I hope the photo comes thru for you to view. We have rebar locked into the slab, we have a crossbar and we have a sliding lock at the top. I think you all will agree that there is no need for a security system! I am not sure if these guys were paranoid about a break-in or just wanted to show off their skills. Great job everyone:)

The Educational Display area continues to make progress. Cleo hung a grey backdrop In the back of the Fords display case. It looks real classy!! Thank you Cleo for your work with the Fords presentation. We are still looking for additional display ideas, so don’t be shy if you have some clever ones that we can use to enhance the experience for our visitors. We also have completed the Ford Motor Co. Timeline from the Quadricycle, plus the Ford models from the 1903 Model A thru the 1908 Ford Model S.

It was decided to pour a concrete slope at the back of the building. We are waiting on a quote from Brads Concrete Co.

The Great Race is coming up. They have pre race activities Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Then they all take off on Saturday. I am planning to go up on Thursday to see the cars and get a good look at the process as they will all be in tech inspection. If anyone wants to go to St. Augustine on Thursday please let me know. I will probably drive modern car, unless a few people want to drive Model A’s.

6/24/23 - Sat - Club meeting at 10:00 AM at the pavilion at the Pioneer Settlement.  We can enter thru the main gate and park on Lightfoot Ln in front of the big schoolhouse.  You can drive to the pavilion for drop off before parking. The Settlement will provide a golf cart for transportation around the campus if needed. Hot dogs will be provided. Please bring a side dish if you are able.

Take care everyone and have a good weekend,

Kim Ziffra

Crankin A’s Model A Restorers Club, Inc.