2023/07/12 -- Wednesday Update

Distributed - 2023, July 16

Hi Crankin A’s, 

There was no tinkering around yesterday at the Garage. I could summarize the morning in 3 words: cleanup, organize and assignments. Gary called an impromptu meeting and all gathered around him. The goal was to set up 2 separate teams – a club car buildout team and a team to organize a work area layout (with an easy work flow design).  Glen was nominated to head the buildout team since he has vast experience in this area. He will be needing willing individuals to complete construction of this project. It is a great opportunity to learn about all the parts of the vehicle.  Harvey stepped up to head organizing and designing the work area. By the end of the day we had the Model T moved out and displayed on the front porch, with all the loose parts moved up to a designated ‘T’ location in the loft. The Model A buildout was moved over to the side where the T was. The middle of the Garage is now open for in and out repairs. Harvey, with a lot of help from everyone organized and cleared out much of the clutter. Lori was a big help in clearing a path for the T’s exit. We even had the side barn door open. It really looks great and is so much more functional.  Parker and I were upstairs sorting and organizing parts. We quickly learned one thing, if you are working upstairs make sure and bring water. We love having Parker at the Garage. He can help with everything! And we (especially Gary) enjoy sharing all our Model A knowledge with him.  Oh, by the way, we nominated Gary as our Garage Foreman!  He forgot to step back when we were choosing someone. I want to give huge thank you to Gary for getting things started, and an honorable mention to all who were on the job yesterday. It really was a team effort to accomplish what we did! 

Here is a refresher for what is happening the rest of the month: 

7/13/23 Thurs, club dinner at Rossellinis Italian Cuisine at 5 PM. Address is 136 S Atlantic Ave, Daytona Beach. Thank you Sheila #3 and Herman for setting up our dinner plans for July. 

7/18/23 Tinker Tuesday. Discuss the vision and begin work on the club car. Continue to with museum area design.  

7/17/23 Mon, Service for Ron Kwiecien at Cape Canaveral National Cemetery at 10 AM. Address is 5525 US 1, Mims, FL 32754. If traveling together please be at Lost Lagoon Restaurant in New Smyrna by 9 AM.  We will leave no later than 9:10 AM to head to the cemetery. 

7/29/23 Sat, club monthly meeting at the Pioneer Settlement at 10 AM.  This month we are going to meet in the Auditorium of the school house (in the AC, yah).  Randy Poirier has been working feverishly on our new website design. It is really coming together beautifully. We are planning to have a special website reveal on the big screen that day. You won’t want to miss it!  We are eternally grateful to Randy for all his hours and hours of work with our new website design. I can’t wait for you all to see it😊 

Stay cool! 
