Crankin A’s Board of Directors Minutes
Date/Time: 9/19/2023 at 10:15 AM
Location: The Garage educational area
The Board of Directors in attendance were Fred Clark, James Foresman, Jeff Moore, Herman Wedemire, Fred Ziffra. Absent was J. B. Barnes. A quorum was present.
This meeting was requested and led by club member Gary Michael, garage foreman.
Discussion of the following:
- Security for the Garage – Cameras and internet access was recommended.
- It was suggested that 3 people have authorization to access the loft area, authorize the sale of car parts, and manage the borrowing of club tools.
- If you want to look for car parts, it must be with one of the 3 authorized people.
- Members must get approval and make monetary contributions for car parts.
- It was suggested that the donation of parts to the club should be recognized on the website.
- It was suggested that that the Garage be organized in the following work areas, with tools corresponding to that type of work in their respective areas:
- Carburetor repair area
- Tire area
- Degreasing and Sand Blasting area
- Machining w/work table area
- Electrical area
- Project car area
- Boddy work and painting area
- Welding area
- Cleaning, buffing and waxing area
- Storage for sheet metal area
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- Discussed was the need for a separate fund for tools and materials. This need has previously been met with the proceeds of the $1.00 donation provided by each member on Tinker Tuesday. If this is not sufficient it was proposed to increase our annual membership dues. No motion was initiated.
- With regards to our website, a suggestion was made to add the following pages:
- Contributions to the club
- Classifieds
Meeting adjourned at 10:50 AM
Submitted by: Kim Ziffra, President, Crankin A’s Model A Restorers Club, Inc.