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Minutes of the 8/26/23 meeting are below:

  • Date:8/26/2023 10:00 AM
  • Location 1776 Lightfoot Lane, Pierson, FL, USA (Map)


The August Meeting of the Crankin A’s Model A Restorers Club. Inc. was opened by President, Kim Ziffra, at 10:02AM on August  26, 2023, at Pioneer Art Settlement, 176 Lightfoot Ln, Barberville, FL. 32105. There were 38 members present. It was requested that the minutes of the July Meeting be accepted as sent out to all members via e-mail and on the new website. A motion was made and accepted.

Our Treasurer, Dennis Dunn, reported that we have $1,184.45 in our General Fund, $10,843.68 in our HG (Garage) Fund, and $9,460.46 in our Donation Fund. We had no new members, so our current membership is 74 members. We had 2 guests at the meeting, Kristen and Chuck Corra (Kim & Fred’s daughter and son-in-law)

Sunshine Report: Karen did not sent any cards this month – everyone is happy and healthy!

Cleo Banfi  - Question of the month –Was the “original” Ford Model A the first car produced by the Ford Motor Company?  YES, in 1903. In 1908 Ford made the first Model T. The new Model A was produced in 1927 and was designated as a 1928 model, available in four colors.

Ford Trivia – In 1916 Harvey Firestone, Thomas Edison and Henry Ford went on a camping trip through the backwater towns of America.  This venture was a great success and inspired many trips over the next 30 years.  One year the group stopped for gas at a small filling station.  While the attendant filled the tank, Firestone began a conversation and then introduced himself.”I’m Harvey Firestone” “Sure you are”, said the attendant, then pointed at Ford and said who’s that? “That’s Henry Ford” Firestone replied.” Uh huh” said the attendant and who’s that? That’s Thomas Edison” “Sure, the next thing you’re going to tell me is that the man in the front seat is Santa Claus!” said the attendant. The man in the front seat was Naturalist John Burroughs  J

Cleo also created a notebook about Henry Ford ,for our educational area, that was passed around.  Lots of great and interesting information – Thanks Cleo!!

Members celebrating birthdays this month include Nancy Clark (8/9), Dennis Dunn(8/15), Lynda Filakosky(8/25), Lisa Moore (8/20), Ann Schmidt (8/11)and Jodi Widajewski (8/6/)  Happy Birthday!  Happy Anniversary to Fred & Nancy Clark (8/1) and Len Krautheim (8/13).

Paul Howes reported on the Board of Directors, Pioneer Settlement meeting. The Settlement is working on plans for an updated restroom building that would be about the size of our Garage, and the appearance would match the other buildings.  Fred Ziffra has joined the Board of the Settlement – Congrats to Fred!  Please see Settlement website for upcoming events.

Crankin A Stickers and Grill badges are still for sale, see Kim.


See Larry to be added to the list for t-shirts or nametags.  Ed will order when he returns in Oct.

Last month the Club participated in the following events - 8/5 Motorsports Hall of Fame tour, 8/10 dinner at BJs restaurant and brewhouse, 8/15 BOD meeting (minutes are on the website) and 8/17 Breakfast at Trilogy Kitchen in DeLand.


Saturday, 9/2/23, is the Fire & Ice Event at the Settlement which is a chili cookoff and an ice cream making contest. Also garage sale tables will be setup. Everyone is welcome to enter and attend.

Tuesday, 9/5/23,  Ladies morning with Nancy.

Saturday, 9/16/23, International Model A Day at the Settlement.  See below for detailed discussion.

Saturday, 10/7/23, Playing on the Porches 10 AM to 1 PM at the Settlement.

Friday, 10/27/23, John Knox Village Picnic handled by Bruce.

Saturday, 11/4/23, Fall Country Jamboree & Car Show at Pioneer Art Settlement. This is FUN show, everyone is welcome, no year limits, no awards or plaques.

Saturday, 11/11/23  Veterans’ Parade. All participating should meet by Cook’s restaurant at 9am. Afterwards we will go to lunch.

Thursday, 12/7/23, Annual Christmas Dinner/Party is at 5 PM. Marina shared that the Palmetto Club will open at 5pm and dinner will be served at 6pm.  Menu for that evening will have 3 choices. #1 – Salmon with rice and vegetables ($40), #2- Stuffed chicken with rice and vegetables ($40), #3 – Prime Rib with baked potato and vegetables. ($45). Prices include the tax & gratitude.  Tickets will be on sale at the Sept meeting. Tickets must be purchased before the end of November, because of vender guidelines there will be no late add-ons/changes. Entertainment has been arranged, but is a surprise!!

New Business:

Kim let us know that if you want a receipt when mailing in money/dues to MARC, include a note that you would like one.

Question was raised about a possible Fall Tour, maybe to Delray Beach where the Gold Coast Club lives. There is a Model A museum. It is approximately 4 hours drive time. Anyone interested in coordinating?

Marina & Jim asked to switch months for selecting the monthly dinner restaurant, since they will be out of town and would really like to attend.  They will select a location for the October dinner.

Kim shared that we need to update our Club contact information on the MARC website for our region. This would be the person who directs correspondence. After discussion, we will add Dennis as our contact with his phone number and also our new website address and web master email address. Also, there are only 8 regions, because Palm Beach was listed twice.

Herman’s Garage – We are continuing to work on the educational area. We need some children’s ideas and information/story about the fire Truck. 

Those that signed up to work on the Club Car will meet on Tuesday (as long as there is no hurricane) to organized the project, including the sheet metal and wood for the cab. 

Several pads of concrete will be added at the Garage, in the rear of the building, the ramp and a pad under the outhouse. The concrete work will run $3200 and has been approved by the BOD

International Model A Day celebration at Barberville Pioneer Settlement.

This is a combined effort with the First Coast Model As (Jacksonville club), since their location is not available this year. It will be Saturday, Sept 16, 2023. So far 4 clubs are coming- First Coast, Greater Orlando A’s, Heart of Florida and Sara-Mana Model A’s from Bradenton.

Erick from Barberville will provide a 20’x30’ tent for the side of our Garage.  We will need to set it up the day before, please help if you can!  Kim will check on the time to start.

There will be raffle prizes and a 50/50 drawing that are open to anyone that day (Kim is checking with Gudrun).  We will clarify that they need to be present to win. The 50/50 will be drawn first then the same tickets will be used for the raffle prize drawings. We have a couple gift cards already.  It was mentioned that since many of our guests come from out of town, local gift cards wouldn’t be as popular (although they could trade), maybe gift cards from chain restaurants would work. White Diamond items from Mopar Judy are always popular!

Please remember to wear club shirts, hats and name tags that day!

Lunch will be available from the Settlement, in the auditorium kitchen. $5 for hamburger, pulled pork or hotdog, a side (chips or baked beans) and a drink (water or iced tea). Club members are asked to bring desserts/snacks/sweets to share.


9:00am – set up tables and chairs in the auditorium.

10:00-11:00am – Meet and Greet with other clubs as they arrive.  Patches will be given out to Model A clubs.

11:00am – Lunch served in the auditorium kitchen.

11:30am – Trivia and storytime in the auditorium.  We are asking if the Jax president or some one in their club would like to help with this.

12:30 – everyone moves to the Garage for drawings and activities (see below)

1:00pm-Drawings of 50/50 & raffles and activities begin. We will use a white board to write numbers being drawn.

3:00pm- event concludes Happy International Model A Day!

Proposed Activities

            Ride in a Model A! – we need volunteers to do this.  Rides would be around the field behind the Garage.

            Knock the ball off the cone

            Possible swap Board with other clubs – Do we have any tools or parts we don’t need?

            Other ideas are welcome!!


            Special Thank You to Kim for her article about the Crankin As new home, that appeared in the Model A News magazine – Great job!!

            Special Thanks to Paul Howes for constructing the cabinet to enclose the cut away engine to protect it from damage and injuries.

Closing trivia – in 1929 how many people did it take to build a Model A?  84!

Meeting adjourned at 11:13AM.  50/50 was won by Mopar Judy. She donated all the funds to the Club (Thank Judy!!) she will pick September’s dinner restaurant. Lunch followed the meeting at Castaways at 12:30 PM.

Respectfully Submitted: Suzan Howes, interim Secretary