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Come and meet the most awesome Model A club members on the face of our earth. Lunch (hot dogs) will be provided after the meeting. Please bring some type of food to share with the group. See you there!

  • Date:6/24/2023 10:00 AM
  • Location 1776 Lightfoot Lane, Barberville, Florida, USA (Map)
  • More Info:Pioneer Settlement - Pavilion


Meeting Minutes:::

The June Meeting of the Crankin A’s Model A Restorers Club, Inc. was opened by President, Kim Ziffra, at 10:08 AM on June 24, 2023, at the Pioneer Art Settlement, 176 Lightfoot Ln., Barberville, FL 32105.  There were 19 members present and two guests: Terri & Dave Jacobsen.  Kim informed us of sad news:  Ron Kwiecien passed away peacefully on June 22, 2023.  The burial will be at Cape Canaveral National Cemetery, 5525 US 1 South on July 17th, 2023, at 10:00 AM.  Since no flowers are allowed at the Cemetery, Karen will send ours directly to Connie.          It was requested that the Minutes of the May Meeting be accepted as sent out to all members via e-mail.  A motion was made and accepted.  Dennis Dunn reported that after many visits to Well Fargo he is now our official Treasurer.  He stated that we have $1,912. 96 in our General Fund; $12,691.85 in our HG (Garage) Fund; and $9,472.96 in our Donation Fund.  Our Annual Audit conducted by Karen Widajewski and Jeff Moore has been completed.    We have 72 current members.   

Sunshine Report:  Karen sent Get Well Cards to:  Nancy Clark; David Perkins; Gudrun Benson; Ron Kwiecien; and Sheila #3 & Herman Wedemire.   

In Cleo Banfi’s absence, Kim gave us her Question of the Month:  The answer was the name of Henry’s 1927 airplane attempt – Fliver.  Paul Howes reported on BOD Meeting with the Pioneer Art Settlement:  Continuing discussion on need of restrooms and real need for volunteers.  They were successful in getting their Grant money this year but need further donations to keep it running. 

Old Business:  Ed Hart has the Club photos he wants and will work on ordering them when he returns in October.  Larry Antonelli has the list for Nametags and T-Shirts if anyone wants to signup – Ed will order in October.  Mark calendars for 10/27/23 John Know Village Picnic and 12/7/2023 Christmas Dinner Party at 5PM.   


New Business:   On July 4th we will still have Tinker Tuesday at Garage for anyone interested.  Ladies Day at Nancy’s is cancelled.  7/13/23 our Monthly Dinner will be at Rosselinis Italian Cuisine, 136 S. Atlantic Ave., Daytona Beach, FL. at 5 PM.  Reservation under Crankin A’s by Sheila #3 & Herman.  7/29/23 Monthly Meeting in Auditorium at Pioneer Art Settlement at 10:00 AM.   Randy Poirier is working with Kim Ziffra and James Foresman to format new Website for our Condenser news.  Reports it is coming along nicely and has put a lot of time and hours into getting it formatted.   He requested a budget of $500 for three years to cover fees for Domain name ( cannot be the same so new will be Crankin A’s FL)  and framework ( able to get it discounted for 3 yr. period).  Paul made motion to accept; seconded by Lori Foresman; Passed.  Paul suggested we have a new design for our business cards with new name (which automatically put him in charge ðŸ˜‰).  Kerry Roberts reported on the great progress being made on her 1930 Roadster (her Dad’s, Bud Pike – Founder along with Dennis Dunn of the Crankin A’s).  Attributes progress to Len Krautheim”s  able assistance – ran beautifully the first attempt to start after much work.  Kim thanked Paul for shelves and Gary for continued electrical and Glen and Don for modification to stairs in workshop.  Will work on making more work space by rearranging Model T and Model A.   

Meeting adjourned at 11:07 AM.  50/50 won by Kim Ziffra who will pick August’s Dinner Restaurant 


Respectfully Submitted:  

Elaine B. Lowe, Secretary